sábado, 23 de mayo de 2020

What time is it Mr Wolf?

Here you are a very traditional game in England about the time.
 Enjoy playing with your family!

Later, answer these questions: ACTIVITIES

Welly wanging contest!

Hayden explains an English tradition, very curious game. You can play with your family! Look!

Later, answer these questions: ACTIVITIES

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

Scavenger hunt

Hello everybody!

In this occasion, we are going to do a "scavenger hunt" with explanations from Gemma. We are sure you will enjoy a lot!

Move like animals

Gemma explains how to make some dice to play a funny game about animals movements. Try it!

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2020

Mass, volume and density

Today Hayden explains the specific terms: mass, volume and density, telling the story about Arquímedes and with an experiment. 


Light and darkness


Hayden explains what the light is and what are the reflective objects. Pay attention and answer the questions. In the PDF you can find some information and the activities.



viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

Parachute egg drop


Today we have the opportunity to make a very famous experiment about gravity with Gemma. Do you know what gravity is? Maybe, after doing this experiment you understand it better. Watch the video and read the instructions: 

Rubber band cannon


In this occasion, Gemma explains how to make a funny game related to science: a rubber ban cannon. We believe you will enjoy a lot! But you should be careful!

I nstructions: 

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020

Feeling spinner

Hello everybody!
Our language assistant Hayden explains to you how to make a fun craft about feelings.

Origami jumping frog


Today Hayden explains how to make an origami jumping frog.

Write in your notebook this activity and enjoy!

Let´s fly!

Welcome to a new craft game! Now we are going to make an aiming game (un juego de puntería).
Here you are the video and the materials.

Shark attack

Hello, everybody!
How are you?  Here you are a new activity explained by our language assistant Gemma. In this occasion, she shows you a fun craft about a shark attack wherewith you can play when you finish it. Enjoy!

In this picture you can see the materials and the template.